Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after On April 20, 2021, Igor Sikorsky took part in the fourth meeting of the GUAM working group on science and education established by the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development - GUAM. Attendees from our university presented their own proposals for the project, directly Bohdan Andriytsev - President of the Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic" - acquainted foreign partners with the main concepts of the Science Park and invited all members of the Working Group to fruitful cooperation. After all, it is thanks to the meeting of technology and innovation with the business sphere that it is possible to create a center and foundation for the commercialization of scientific research in the country, and thanks to international cooperation around the world.
Also during the meeting, Ivan Korobko - Director of the Institute of Aerospace Technology - outlined the importance and prospects of our university in the framework of GUAM cooperation and invited to cooperate in the field of space technology, in particular, to develop projects to create nanosatellites.