Corporation “Science Park “Kyiv Polytechnic” – is a legal entity that was created by the initiative of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” for purposes of organization, coordination and management of such process as commercialization of university research.
Science park was created to promote and support science, technology and innovation activities of the university, effective and efficient use of existing scientific potential of logistics for the commercialization of research and implementation in domestic and foreign markets.
From idea to technology, from technology to product
• Students, graduate students, young scientists
• Developers
• High-tech companies
• Investors
• Representatives of international donor organizations
• Attracting new project participants
• Promoting the brand and increasing its visibility
among the main groups of the target audience
• Strengthening the credibility of the project
A prototyping laboratory equipped with 3-D printers and other modern equipment was opened at Kyiv Polytechnic, which will be used by participants and graduates of the University Startup School, as well as anyone interested.
Corporation “Science Park “Kyivska Polytechnika” organizes the interaction of four stakeholder groups: